Involving New Traders with Attractive Chart
Stop fading the token's price and create a sustainable growth basis.
Main Steps
The BeLiquid team has built a 3-step strategy, which aims to stabilize the token's price, provide the impact to the organic activity and keep the result at a new level.
The strategy's action plan has time and budget details. The main tools were price protection instruments, support, and resistant lines with a growing chart pattern.
The team successfully stopped the decline of a token price due to correct order management and began trade activation tactics.
After our experts have reached the first results of the growing trade activity, Beliquid has switched to the support mode.
New organic users have provided a higher volume of trade, so the chart was free of an extra budget for support.
Beliquid team has stayed with the project to monitor liquidity health parameters.
Organic trade became more frequent and natural, positive price dynamics attracted professional traders. Using a reasonable initial budget for push, Beliquid team supported the attractiveness a of the project and has level-up the liquidity.
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