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How to Attract Potential Traders


Involve traders to the project by pushing organic activity.

Main Steps

  • BeLiquid has built a strategy of bringing the chart design to the growing pattern. The action plan has a certain list of instruments and budget as a KPIs of the program.
  • It had 2 stages: activation and support. The activation stage began to shape the chart by influencing the order book from the Agency account, providing the signal to active organic traders to join the activity. The support stage aimed to keep market health indicators with a minimal impact on the order book.
  • Due to precise planning and the correct set of tools, the strategy was executed within the planned budget and time.
  • The team continued to serve as a long-term liquidity provider.
  • Result: organic trades grew from 3% to 46%

    The project faced with a situation of a long period of trading stability without any move. This situation was clearly seen by professional traders and force them to find more attractive tokens for investment. Due to a smart strategy and correct choice of tools, BeLiquid has stimulated organic trade by making the first impact. Growing trade activity was detected by organic traders and supported by them. The project get new trade activity level within the planned budget.

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